The Internet of Things:
-All devices will be connected to the Internet and form a NETWORK of "things".

-Once connected, these appliances can make updates to the internet, generating realtime data content.
-As more appliances are added, the network expands and the web becomes more omnipresent.

-Devices that are connected to the web can also access data from other devices.

- When appliances start communicating data with each other via the Internet, it opens up opportunities for more intelligent services to be created. Appliances can be programmed to respond to updates from other devices.
Individuals/organisations/companies can gather their own local data through energy monitors/sensors etc. and connect it in realtime to the internet. Pachube collects the live data and presents it using graphs etc. to record the information visually.

Pachube is a realtime data infrastructure for the INTERNET OF THINGS.
"Pachube enables things to 'plug-in' to other things in realtime so that, for example, buildings, weather stations, interactive environments, air quality monitors, virtual worlds and mobile sensor devices can all 'talk' and 'respond' to each other in realtime"
The sea of data being collected from different sensors around the world can be viewed and shared by other users.
Another development suggested by Web 3.0 is the "Internet of Things", the idea that all electronic devices will be active participants in the future Internet:
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